NSW planning has fast tracked another 24 projects across NSW to kick start the states post-coronavirus economy, including the Mamre Road Industrial Precinct.
The proposed industrial precinct is located within the Penrith LGA, Western Sydney Employment Area (WSEA) & Western Sydney Aerotropolis, & spans over 850 hectares on Mamre Road, Aldington Road, Bakers Lane & Abbotts Road. The precinct is also proposed to include a freight intermodal & several arterial roads ensuring efficient access to & from the Western Sydney Airport & major motorways. The imminent re-zoning has been backed by a major development consortium which includes Mirvac, Stockland, Frasers Property, Dexus & The GPT Group; all of which have secured significant land holdings within the area.
For further information, the draft re-zoning package (which was on exhibition late last year) can be found here .